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Wednesday 5 February 2025
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Week #06 Day #036
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Finarea / Betamax scripts

More of this at http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Finarea+SA

Well it all started with fincheck the shell script originally by Enzo Michelangeli And then further developed by me Simon G and others.

That shell script (Ver. 20111104) is available here http://www.simong.net/finarea/fincheck.

Well now I have developed some functions to do the same, but in a different language. PHP

So far, it can send an sms(+ delayed sms with caller-Id), make a call, set and check you callforwarding and check your credit in cents.
It also understands time-zones, GMT and Summer/Wintertime, unlike Betamax/Finarea. Licenced under GPL v3 http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html.

2010 October 12th

S. Young-Smith has sent me his call / bill calculation script using my fincheck php script.

It's a script to
parse/retrieve/display call charges according to a configuration file
which also has a front end.
Restricted to the Creative Commons License because the script also makes use of
tableextr.php class by Jack Sleight.

Zipfile callcalc.zip

I have just been informed that there is another simpler PHP script out there doing similar stuff.
Check it out at http://www.aldeaglobal.net/callserver

Latest version 2009 November 15th

The php source script is here http://www.simong.net/finarea/fincheck.phps. Or http://www.simong.net/finarea/fincheck.txt for a text version.

And the example usage script http://www.simong.net/finarea/example.phps or http://www.simong.net/finarea/example.txt for a text version.

Did you know that you can run a php script just like a shell script ?
/pathToPHP/php fincheck.php 'cmd=creditcents&usernumber=1&auth=yoursecret'

Feedback via e-mail to <junk at simong dot net> or comments at http://www.voip-info.org/wiki/view/Finarea+SA